Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Collection Product Guide
Workflow Queues

The Workflow Queues page in System Management (System Management > Workflows > Workflow Queues) allows administrators to manage all workflow queues in Temenos Infinity. Workflow Queues are typically used for management approval or to route tasks from one department to the next. This functionality acts as a “mailbox” for workflows.

When workflows are sent to workflow queues, accounts do not fall out of their respective collection queues. Only the workflow is sent to the workflow queue. Workflow Queues can also be tracked using workflow queue web parts in dashboards. For more information on this, refer to the Dashboards section of this guide.

The following columns display on the Workflow Queues page:

Column Name Description
Name Name of the workflow queue.
Description Description of the workflow queue.
Users The number of users assigned to the workflow queue.
Security Groups The number of security groups assigned to the workflow queue.
Last Modified Denotes when the last modification was made.
Modified By Denotes who made the last modification.

From the Workflow Queues page, administrators can create workflow queues, copy existing workflow queues, edit existing workflow queues, and delete workflow queues.

ShowCreating a Workflow Queue

Upon saving the new queue, it is available to assign workflow steps to when building a workflow, if the workflow step has the queuing tab enabled. If the user has permissions to the Workflow queue, the user has the ability to go to the next step and continue working the workflow. If the user does not have permissions, they are prompted with a message indicating the next step is assigned to someone else.

If a workflow is sent to a workflow queue for a manager to approve, the account is still presented to the user the next day even if the manager has not yet completed the workflow step. Insert a Next Contact Date workflow step prior to the workflow step that goes to the workflow queue to prevent the account from being presented in the queue until the Next Contact Date.

ShowCopying a Workflow Queue

ShowEditing a Workflow Queue

ShowDeleting a Workflow Queue




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